Elected Officers

Amber M. Brown (Human Resources Chair)
Assistant Director, Career Development – Center for Career Engagement
- Phone: 314-935-7336
- Email: ambrown@wustl.edu

Kara Cummins (Secretary)
Manager of Administrative Services - Facilities
- Phone: 314-935-4505
- Email: ckara@wustl.edu

Courtney Cushard (Events Chair)
Special Programs Manager, Sam Fox School
- Phone: 314-935-4643
- Email: courtney.cushard@wustl.edu

Haley Dolosic (Co-Chair)
Director, Systems & Strategic Analysis - University Admissions
- Phone: 314-935-3169
- Email: dolosichn@wustl.edu

Anna Eggemeyer (Community Engagement Chair)
Associate Registrar, McKelvey School of Engineering
- Phone: 314-935-3523
- Email: aeggemeyer@wustl.edu

Jessica Hung (Archivist/Interim Co-Chair )
Project Manager - Student Sunrise Project
- Email: j.hung@wustl.edu

Evan Keil (Treasurer)
Senior Associate Director - Alumni Networks; University Advancement
- Phone: 314-935-5065
- Email: evank@wustl.edu

Erika Naes (Nominations Chair)
Academic Advisor, Professional MBA; Olin Business School
- Phone: 314-935-7257
- Email: enaes@wustl.edu

Anita Radcliffe (Communications Co-Chair)
Manager Financial Planning - Continuing & Professional Studies (CAPS)
- Phone: 314-935-3505
- Email: anita_radcliffe@wustl.edu

AJ Robinson (Bylaws Chair)
Librarian for Islamic Studies, South Asian Studies, and Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
- Phone: (314) 935-5714
- Email: robinson.a@wustl.edu

Amanda (Mandy) Wortmann (Chair)
Registrar & Academic Advising Program Coordinator, School of Law
- Phone: 314-935-5821
- Email: a.wortmann@wustl.edu