Our mission is to serve and represent non-faculty and non-union Danforth staff members. We seek to collaborate with the senior administration (Associate Vice Chancellor/Provost level and above) and Human Resources to broaden and strengthen the lines of communication on matters that impact staff and to provide advice to the administration on policy decisions.

Current Areas of Focus

  • Gather and prioritize a list of desired outcomes to advocate for when communicating with University & HR leadership;
  • Expand recruitment efforts to engage a broader set of individuals and ensure on-going representation of a variety of campus units;
  • Develop pathways to collaboration among committees to support weeks of high-volume DSC work and to allow for committees to work together to create new, exciting ways to engage the Danforth community;
  • Provide consistent opportunities for staff and members of the staff council to connect through social events and collaborations with other groups on campus.;
  • Improve campus-wide communication by developing processes to have updated distribution lists and more frequent regular distribution of information;
  • Collate a history of DSC achievements to communicate the value of our organization.

The Danforth Staff Council (DSC) began in 2014 as a working group composed of staff members committed to providing an official voice for staff concerns at the university. A formal request was submitted to university administration in fall 2015, and the DSC was formed in 2016. There are currently about 35 members on the DSC.